Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Heart Broken Short poems 2013/14

Heart break

A heart too large
It beaks the sternum
All around, there is nothing but burning
For your heart is pierced by the jagged broken bones
It  causes you to shout out moans
Your time has come and you take your last breath
This pierced broken heart has caused this death.


I've drifted apart
Can't find my own heart
I can no longer feel
I can no longer deal
For the pain has numbed my whole existence. 

When will it end?
When will my heart mend?
Beaten and bruised
I'm no longer amused
Of this life I lead

Break ups

There is nothing to hold onto anymore
I've given up on trying to keep score
 I raise the  white flag and I raise it high
This is my way of saying goodbye
So please go away and leave me alone
Don't even bother walking me home
My heart is left shattered about on the ground
And not all of the pieces can be found

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