Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Madly in love with Me

A few years ago, my roommate gave me a minibook called "Madly in love with me guidebook" by Christine Arylo.

I have realized that lately I have been putting pressure and expectations on others to love me since I  haven't been loving myself.  However, by doing so, all I've gotten in return is loneliness.  There is nothing worst than being in a relationship with someone and feeling lonely.  Actually being alone and lonely is pretty bad as well...maybe even more so than being in a relationship and lonely.   Being alone and lonely means that you don't love yourself enough to enjoy your own company.  I want to end this.  I want to be my own best friend.  I want to enjoy my own company.

I want to fall madly in love with me.

So tonight, I decided to open the mini book and jot down important information I think would be beneficial for me.

One of the quotes that struck a cord the hardest was: Every relationship you have is a direct reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.
I say this quote struck a cord pretty hard because it makes me scared to look at the relationships I have, especially this past one in particular.
But I need to change.  I don't want to be scared looking at relationships I am in anymore.  I don't want to be scared of the relationship I have with myself.

The love you seek starts and ends with the love you have for you.

It is your gift to learn to accept the person you are today, right now in this moment and love her, all of you.  It is your duty to free yourself to fully express every piece of you without apology, so brightly that you light every heart you touch like a firefly, including your own.

There are 5 gates of self-love

Self-love Gate #1:
I know who I am and what I want from this life.
- move from autopilot mode to self-awareness mode in operating your life
-ask, listen, and never settle for less than what my heart and soul desires.
-know difference between ego, personality, your spirit and essence.
-don't use relationships, substances or unconscious activities to stuff into your holes or avoid your emotions.

Self Love Gate #2:

All of my relationships support me to be my best me and to live the life I want, or I don't have them.
-this requires honoring yourself SO much that you only have relationships in your life- friendships, romantic partners, even relatives- that give respect, trust, unconditional love and truth.
Self love requires that you chose me before we in every relationship--this means making a commitment to create what your heart and soul desires.  There is no space in your life for relationships to drag you down, hold you back, create negative ju ju feelings, or take more energy than they give.

Self Love Gate #3:

My body is my temple:

- Since you and your body are life-long roommates, and you can't just trade it for a new one, you really have only one choice:  Transform your relationship with your body to one full of unconditional love and respect.
-See your body as the portal to which you experience everything in life- good food, great love, beautiful places, joy/happiness/smiles/hugs.
-When you notice something about your body you don't like you choose love vs hate.
-Your relationship shifts from being in servitude to you to being grateful for this beautiful temple you get to inhabit while on this earth.
-adore her, adorn her, dance in her, fill her with nourishment, love her for her imperfections, beautify her, by grateful for her, never hate her or yourself within her, and always find comparison for you both.

Self Love Gate #4:

I am nice to myself. I stop beating myself up.
-Give up comparisons.   Love yourself for who you are and use other's successes as inspiration, not as a way to beat yourself up.
Give up Gossip: Talking poorly about someone else is a direct reflection on the relationship you have with yourself.
Know the difference between your inner Mean Girl's voice and that of your deeper inner wisdom.  Know the difference between fear and ego speaking and your highest spirit talking. Choose to be motivated by love
The inner Mean girls is not in control.
You are compassionate and kind to yourself. Treat yourself with kindness as you would to a child.  Give yourself room to grow, love yourself through your mistakes, and Forgive yourself.  Love this inner mean girl to death

Self Love Gate #5:
I deserve to take care of me, I replenish everyday, I take a weekly pause/sabbatical, I give up the badge of busyness, I receive, I don't have to drive and strive in order to survive, I see the value in being..I be before I do, I am enough, regardless if I do another thing.

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