Monday, September 1, 2014

Seeking Peace

Today, I decided to go for a solo hike around where I live.  I've been thinking way too much and have not been still or at peace enough.  

While on the hike, I sat down and wrote the following in my journal.

 So the same story continues on:

I am lost.

Lost in a world of abundance.


Maybe it's boredom.

 Maybe it's the feeling of being caged. 

I just feel lonely.

 I feel like I want to explode.

 I have so much I want to express

 and I just don't know who to express it all to

 or even how to express myself.

I just can't be alone.

I don't know how to just be alone.

I miss the days of having fun

Long are those days
Long are those nights. 

I continued on:

Where is freedom? Does it exist? If so, I want to find it.  I don't think it's a matter of wanting's a matter of needing it. 

I need freedom from myself.

My soul is clawing. It wants out of this world too much.  The blanket of darkness does not want to disappear.  Where is magic when you need it?

I felt freer up on the mountain.  I was able to roam...roam the land of mother earth whenever I pleased.  That freedom of just roaming is now over.  The freedom of being free is now gone.

Now back to reality I go.  

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