Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Darkness again

My  Poems from yesterday

Trees seem to be my only friend
Sitting beside them, I feel my heart mend
I sit here waiting
With the rain pissing down
Mixing with my tears
I feel like a clown

Stuck in quicksand
Can't seem to figure out who I am
I don't have any plans
To survive
Please someone help me
I'm struggling to breathe
My soul wants to be set free
From this pain

I apologize for my immaturity
I fear not having security
For I've lost my blanket long ago
I have searched high
I have searched low
And can't be found
 Attachment is now my biggest fear
I get too scared when things come near
I can't cope with losing what I hold so dear
And now that you have come around
You've knocked on my walls
My guard crumbled down
And there is nothing to be found
There is no treasure here
The blanket disappeared.

A fish caught too many times
Only to be thrown back into the ocean
Now it's living life in slow motion
Afraid to take any bait..
Already predicting its fate.
When it's finally caught
You will be distraught
Slice it wide open
And you see it is broken
There is nothing but decay and it is hollow
Not enough meat for a man to swallow
Since there is nothing even to savor
Please be kind and do it a favor
Throw it back into the sea
Let it float away
And be food for a prey
that will enjoy such misery.

This fish can't be caught
I feel a bit distraught
There is no one to blame
I keep myself insane
I keep pushing people away
And at the same time beg them to stay
The push and pulling is oh so confusing
It's almost abusing
The other person involved.

I want nobody knowing I want to die
I want nobody knowing that I'm starting to cry
I feel as though I'm living a lie
I sit here under a tree that's dead
Wishing it were me instead.

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